As city skylines expand, transportation networks become more sophisticated, and buildings spring up one after another, the hard work of countless infrastructure workers is essential. LIU Keqin, the legal representative and managing director of Shaanxi Xinlongteng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., is a prominent representative among them. With her rich experience in project management, exceptional technical innovation skills and strong sense of social responsibility, she has achieved remarkable achievements in the infrastructure sector and was honored with the title of “Asia-Pacific Economic and Trade Summit Forum – Leading Personality in the Region Infrastructure Industry.” Her story is one of dreams becoming reality, a vivid interpretation of responsibility and commitment, and a profound insight into the future development of the infrastructure construction industry.

Dedicated industry commitment, striving for new heights

LIU Keqin graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University with a nursing degree and has solid professional knowledge and strict work attitude. However, she did not limit herself to the nursing sector, but through her passion and persistence for infrastructure construction, she successfully developed into an outstanding expert in infrastructure project management. Throughout her career, she has gained extensive experience in project management and has successfully led teams to complete multiple complex infrastructure projects, including construction, municipal, street lighting and other areas.

Under her leadership, Shaanxi Xinlongteng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. achieved significant development. The company has a registered capital of 20 million yuan, an annual production value of about 30 million yuan, a contract fulfillment rate of 100%, and has long-term strategic partnerships with well-known companies such as China Construction, Shaanxi Construction, China City Construction and Xi'an Municipal. True to the service philosophy of “diligence, commitment and responsibility”, the company strives for military quality, has formulated and strictly implemented a militarized quality management system, and enjoys high recognition among customers.

Technological innovation, leading industry development

LIU Keqin is not only an excellent manager, but also a pioneer who actively promotes technological innovation. She fully understands the importance of technological innovation in project management and actively participates in the research and development of management systems based on intelligent monitoring and data analysis that effectively improve the efficiency and quality of project management.

Among other things, she led the development of the “Intelligent Monitoring-based Infrastructure Engineering Management System” and the “Data Analysis-based Intelligent Infrastructure Risk Management System”, thereby bringing about revolutionary changes in project management. By integrating sensors, data collection technology and intelligent analysis algorithms, these systems can accurately monitor project progress, quality and safety parameters, and provide real-time data analysis and decision support, effectively reducing risks and ensuring projects proceed as planned.

In addition, she is dedicated to the optimization and management of sustainable construction projects and is developing the “Sustainability Construction Engineering Optimization and Management Solution System” with the aim of minimizing environmental impact and achieving efficient use of resources. This system covers the selection of construction materials and technology, energy use and management, waste treatment and other aspects with the aim of achieving sustainability and environmental friendliness throughout the life cycle of construction projects.

Looking to the future in the new age of infrastructure

LIU Keqin remains confident about the infrastructure construction industry. She believes that with the continuous development of national infrastructure construction and the comprehensive implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, the industry will welcome even greater development opportunities. At the same time, the rapid development of technology has opened up new opportunities for infrastructure construction, such as the use of artificial intelligence, big data and the Internet of Things, which will promote the intelligent, digital and environmentally friendly development of infrastructure construction.

She encourages new practitioners to continuously learn, improve their skills, actively use new technologies and contribute their strengths to building infrastructure. She emphasizes that expertise is the cornerstone, new technologies are the tools, team collaboration is the guarantee and social responsibility is the mission. She advises new practitioners to strengthen their expertise, actively use new technologies, focus on team collaboration and develop a sense of social responsibility.

LIU Keqin's story is not only the story of a woman's struggle in the infrastructure industry, but also a symphony in tune with the pulse of the times. With her wisdom and hard work, she writes the brilliant chapters that belong to herself and China's infrastructure. Looking to the future, LIU Keqin will continue to lead her team with a craftsman's heart, dream of building infrastructure, and be a leader to lead China's infrastructure industry into an even brighter future. She believes that with the promotion of intelligence, green sustainable development, accelerated urbanization and regionally coordinated development, China's infrastructure industry will open up an even greater space for development. She will continue to lead her team to actively explore new technologies, innovate management models and contribute more to the future development of China's infrastructure industry by enriching the city's development with bricks and roof tiles, keeping up with the new era of infrastructure and working together Building builds better future. (Text by WU Nali)

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