The Alpha Hadge Foundation, a Singapore-based fund, has announced its plan to release the existing underlying technology on the 11th.

The Alpha Hadge Foundation Investment Manager said, “Plug Chain, like Ether, Wavefield, BSC, etc., can provide developers with a convenient and fast underlying technology and also have the benefit of the dual combination of Cross-Chain + Oracle design that they provide can provide efficient services for interoperability between public chains that make data interaction pointless and enable the free circulation of values. “

In terms of ecological applications, within just three months of the mainnet launch, more than ten plug chain-based projects were quickly incubated, including Dex, NFT, Metaverse, Stable Coin, Defi, ERP-System, etc.

More than 30 community dapps around the world also demonstrate the practicality of the underlying technology of Plug Chain and the degree of community applicability after secondary development. In terms of community building, the global community’s excitement continues to grow, PLUGCN is still very solid after 4 weeks on the exchange, and the price has continued to rise, demonstrating the strong community consensus and confirmation of the value of Plug Chain .

The Alpha Hadge Foundation’s $ 10 million injection will be used to acquire the Plug Chain branding rights and build Alpha Hadge nodes. At the same time, the existing basic node structure of Plug Chain and the entire technical team structure, immovable address accounts, etc. remain unchanged.

The fund is to be transferred to the technical founding team of Plug Chain over a period of 1 year for the research and development of the technology and the establishment of international ecological applications, so that Plug Chain can be better established in Asia and ultimately worldwide.

The Plug Chain founding team will use the funds to actively provide a more efficient development environment for developers around the world, with the aim of helping the Plug Chain global community build more than 100 ecosystems and applications to enable developers by June 2022 Plug chain efficiently in different development environments and languages.


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