Mason Greenwood was dropped from sportswear giant Nike after his arrest on suspicion of rape and assault.
The Manchester United footballer was released on bail last weekbut the Old Trafford club have said he will stay Training and playing ban.
Nike also suspended its sponsorship contract with him at the time and now stated in a statement: “Mason Greenwood is no longer a Nike athlete.”
Investigators at Mason Greenwood’s mansion in Bowden, Greater Manchester
The 20 year old was arrested for allegedly raping and assaulting a young woman on January 30, after pictures and videos were posted online.
They have since been deleted.
While he was still in custody, he was others arrested on suspicion of sexual assault and death threats.
He was released on bail on February 2.
Within hours of the allegations surfacing, United said the England international had been suspended from playing or training with them until further notice.
The Bradford forward made his debut in 2019 but has since been suspended from the game
The Bradford forward made his debut in 2019 and has made 129 appearances for United since then.
In 2020 he made his senior debut in England.