The internationally known blockchain investment institutes BAF Capital and GCC (GOLD CHAIN ​​Capital) recently entered into an investment cooperation with the Metaverse competition game platform Merace. Wilson Clifford, CEO of the Merace platform, announced in an interview that the multi-million dollar investment will be used to help build the Merace platform green and research and develop related equipment to expand the meta universe support.

Regarding the ecological construction of the platform, after introducing new strategic investments, Merace will increase investments in Funball games, upgrade in multiple dimensions such as gaming experience and competitive display, and strive to build a better, comprehensive gaming platform. At the same time, Merace will accelerate the update speed of new games, new content and new blocks on the layout platform and plans to develop Merace into an international top-level IP in the field of Metaverse game competition by 2022.

Regarding epitaxial device research and development, Merace expects to start the layout in the production line, product design and communication module, etc., based on the existing VR device research and development laboratory. Currently, Brilliant Faith, Merace’s parent company, has signed agreements with China Meta Technology for the production of VR devices. It is expected to go into mass production in April 2022 and have an ecological application in Merace’s games in June.

After experiencing the metaverse bubble in 2021, the coming 2022 will be a process of reshaping and survival of the fittest. In this process, only those companies have the chance to become really leaders in the future market that really have the depth of the game, the good ecology, the research and development of the metaverse and realize the technological revolution.

The internationally known blockchain investment institutes BAF Capital and GCC (GOLD CHAIN ​​Capital) recently entered into an investment cooperation with the Metaverse competition game platform Merace. Wilson Clifford, CEO of the Merace platform, announced in an interview that the multi-million dollar investment will be used to help build the Merace platform green and research and develop related equipment to expand the meta universe support.

Regarding the ecological construction of the platform, after introducing new strategic investments, Merace will increase investments in Funball games, upgrade in multiple dimensions such as gaming experience and competitive display, and strive to build a better, comprehensive gaming platform. At the same time, Merace will accelerate the update speed of new games, new content and new blocks on the layout platform and plans to develop Merace into an international top-level IP in the field of Metaverse game competition by 2022.

Regarding epitaxial device research and development, Merace expects to start the layout in the production line, product design and communication module, etc., based on the existing VR device research and development laboratory. Currently, Brilliant Faith, Merace’s parent company, has signed agreements with China Meta Technology for the production of VR devices. It is expected to go into mass production in April 2022 and have an ecological application in Merace’s games in June.

After experiencing the metaverse bubble in 2021, the coming 2022 will be a process of reshaping and survival of the fittest. In this process, only those companies have the chance to become really leaders in the future market that really have the depth of the game, the good ecology, the research and development of the metaverse and realize the technological revolution.

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